Ab Finnish Superberries Oy respects your privacy and protects your personal data in the best possible way. In all our operations we ensure that your personal data are processed in the safest manner both within our company and also in the operations of our subcontractors. In this data protection policy we describe what data we collect and how they are used.


The main grounds for processing personal data are client/contractual relationships or consent of the data subject or legitimate interests of the data controller.



Ab Finnish Superberries Oy („Ab Finnish Superberries Oy“ or „we/our“)

Commercial register code 3021307-4

Address: Kauppatie 26, 65610 Mustasaari, Finland

Phone: +358 40 4888990



Ab Finnish Superberries Oy client and direct marketing register.



We collect the personal data that you send us, for example when you register yourself as a client of our web shop, order products, subscribe to the newsletter, contact our customer services or take part in campaigns. The data that we process include name, home address, postal code and post office, e-mail address, phone, history of orders, technical data (user's IP-address and the browser used) and cookie information. Within legal limits we can also update the data with information acquired from the authorities or other enterprises.



We can use your data for managing the client relationship and your orders, for authentication, direct marketing, client surveys, newsletters, for analysis and profiling purposes and for statistics. We can also use the data for sending advertising materials by mail, text messages or e-mail and for contacting you by phone, if you haven’t declined it. We can also use the data for sending information important to you, for marketing and improving our services.


Ab Finnish Superberries Oy can use subcontractors and service providers for the management of services, for printing and distribution, customer services, payment mediation, credit and payment services, administration and analysis of user data, studies, customer relations and organising campaigns. The subcontractors and service providers of Ab Finnish Superberries Oy may use your personal data only for the purposes set out in this data protection policy.


The above mentioned third parties are forbidden to use your data for any other purposes than those defined in this policy or by Ab Finnish Superberries Oy. Ab Finnish Superberries Oy obliges third parties to keep your data confidential and ensure sufficient level of data protection to ensure protection of your data.


For processing your data Ab Finnish Superberries Oy uses service providers who may have access to the data outside the EU/EEA, for example from the USA. Ab Finnish Superberries Oy is responsible for transferring data in an appropriate manner and as stipulated by law.


Your personal data are transferred to the authorities only if required or for purposes stipulated by law.



Ab Finnish Superberries Oy deems it extremely important to protect the data of data subjects carefully. The data are stored in an electronic system protected by firewalls, passwords and other necessary technical solutions. The data in the register are accessible only to specific people working for Ab Finnish Superberries Oy and those who require the data for performing their duties. All the persons who use the data in the register are bound by an obligation of confidentiality.



Your personal data are stored in the register only as long as it is essential for the purposes set out in this data protection policy and for compliance with a legal obligation to store data. It is possible that due to a legal obligation Ab Finnish Superberries Oy can be required to store data longer than the above mentioned envisaged period.


Any outdated and unnecessary data are erased in an appropriate manner. Data are entered in the register in the form used by the data subject to give them and they can be updated by the data subject personally or by Ab Finnish Superberries Oy on request of the data subject.



It is your right as a client to verify what data have been stored in the client and direct marketing register of Ab Finnish Superberries Oy. This verification right can be denied on some legitimate basis, laid down by law. In principle exercising your right to verify is free of charge.

At any time you have the right to object to the processing of your personal data, if you feel that Ab Finnish Superberries Oy has processed your data unlawfully or if Ab Finnish Superberries Oy has no right to process the data of the data subject in your opinion. The right to object does not apply to the processing of personal data that Ab Finnish Superberries Oy is legally obliged to do.

 You have the right to demand that inaccurate data are rectified or incomplete data are completed and you have the right to demand that the data concerning you are erased from our client and direct marketing register. You can also erase your profile yourself from the web shop Ab Finnish Superberries or update the data included there. Nevertheless the right to erasure does not apply in as much the processing and storage of data entered in the register is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation concerning Ab Finnish Superberries Oy or on other legal grounds, laid down by law. Generally you have the right to receive in machine-readable format the data that you have entered yourself in our client and direct marketing register and that is being processed on the grounds of your consent or for the performance of a task and you have the right to transmit those data to another controller.


You have the right to object at any time to the processing of personal data concerning you for direct marketing purposes. You can also erase your profile from the web shop Ab Finnish Superberries, update your data and refuse to get marketing communication directed to you.

In case the data are being processed on the grounds of your consent you have the right to withdraw your consent by informing us of your wish as set out in this data protection policy.

You should send any requests regarding your rights in writing or by e-mail to the address noted in item 1. Before handling the request Ab Finnish Superberries Oy may ask the data subject to specify the request and identify himself/herself. Ab Finnish Superberries Oy may refuse to act on the request on the grounds set out in applicable law. Ab Finnish Superberries Oy will respond to requests within 14 days after the request was submitted, unless there are special reasons to extend the response period. You have the right to turn to the authorities if Ab Finnish Superberries Oy has not complied with the legislation that regulates data protection.



When you use our website you can share information in social media through social media plugins, for example in Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest (like sharing our promotions with other users through social media). When you share information through social media plugins your browser sends the following data:


The date and time of your visit; The internet/URL address of your current location; Your IP address; Information about the browser that you are using; Information about your operating system; Your username, if you are a registered user of that social media channel, and your first and last name, if necessary; Data about the content that you would like to share through the social media plugin.

Regarding such data we follow the terms of the relevant social media operator. We advise you to find out what data and for what purpose are collected through the plugins. You can block the social media plugins in your browser settings.



Our web shop Ab Finnish Superberries may contain links to other sites. This data protection policy concerns only the web shop Ab Finnish Superberries When you move on to some other website we recommend you to read the data protection policy of that site. Please remember that Ab Finnish Superberries Oy is not responsible for the manner how other web services process your data.



Ab Finnish Superberries Oy website uses cookies. To ensure the best possible functioning of the website you need to allow the use of cookies in your browser. Cookies are used to collect technical information and data about the way the website is used. These data are utilized to develop the website in order to make it match the demands of our clients even better. You can block the use of cookies in your browser settings, if necessary. When the function is blocked some of the website functions may get slower or access to some parts of the website can be blocked completely.



Ab Finnish Superberries Oy is constantly improving its operations and therefore we reserve the right to change our data protection policy, to be announced through our website. The changes can be related to changes in legislation. We recommend you to review the contents of data protection policy regularly.